Primarily focused on technical drawings and skill building the media class was broken into two halves.

Through the deconstruction of an electric toothbrush, a new identity was formed. Drawing inspiration from the function of the components and how they might fit back together in an improper manner, small automatons were imagined. While maintaining a playful appearance, they harbor no true purpose but rather remind us of a functional machine.

Continuing the analysis of a deconstructed toothbrush, new generations were explored. Instead of numerous hybrids of similar characteristics, a single hybrid was formed through generational growth. The final result relied on symmetry and re-stitching of structural moments. Work was completed predominately with Maya.

Fall 2016

Critics: Ben Martinson and Bridgett Rice

The two approaches to design highlighted a difference between an inorganic and organic approach. The mechanical automaton approach has a clear tactical and precise placement of components, while the generational approach was more fluid and less precise in its decisions.